First of all I want to announce for the ones who's not a student of Hyper Island or involved in any kind of way, that the students of Digital Media have just ended a long and frustrating week of motion, motion and motion. It's a week where you only purposed is to make short film by usig a camera and then put some cool animation in After Effects(a program where you editing film). it's the first time ever I'm using the program, and think that goes for th most of the class aswell. We had/have two tasks within the motion theme; one group task where you'r purposed to make a 60sec showreel, and a induvidual 15 seconds motionreel.
It's Friday and I'v just arrived home for the first time in 35 hours, that means I'v been working in my cell the hole night and morning. And why is that? Well It might sound odd, bu I couldn't leave even tough our 60 seconds motion film was rended and finish to be present for the hole class, Sofia, Rasmus and "vsss". But I got this idea for my own motion reel that I couldn't just leave over the night so I stayed, and so far im satisfied! I have alot of work infront of me this weekend to finish it like I want it, I'll do my best and hope you guys keeping you'r thumbs for me.

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